The Story

Hello Friend! My name is Shannon and I'm the founder and designer of CockE Gear. My store has been a long time coming as I've been sitting on and growing my designs and concepts since the summer of 2019. (Keep reading, you'll get a glimpse of why it has taken faaar too long.)

The inspiration came while I was standing in a checkout line at a sweet local farm stand. At one point while waiting, my eyes started looking around at all the farm decor and gifts you could buy. I then seen a sign that said "Locally Grown" with a chicken next to it. Although I'm very familiar with chickens, for some reason my brain registered that particular chicken to be a rooster. I started laughing quite literally (& very awkwardly) out loud. I'm talking gut busting, tears flowing laugh, all because my brain couldn't see the sign any other way than Locally Grown Cock. I'm pretty sure I scared people. 

The irony of me knowing chickens (lots of farm girl in my childhood) yet me only seeing that particular one as rooster appeared to be no coincidence. As I confidently left that place a bit awkwardly, I might add, yet with much more joy and a dash of humility, I couldn't deny it was a sign.

See being an artist at heart but living my single momma, young three-quarter-time grandma while also being a full-time+ first responder (Fire, EMS, Police), I didn't have the time, the quality memory-making time, I craved with my lil family, friends, and self. My closet stuffed artsy-fartsy, nature loving, hippie-like soul had recently been yelling at me quite loudly.

After many days and nights of that Locally Grown Cock faux pas haunting me, it hit me what I was to do and the first CockE Gear Cock was born.